Friday, July 10, 2009

Let Relationships Go, It's For the Best

A client came this afternoon with some closed chakras which seemed to be related to family matters. This isn't unusual, and fortunately she could tell she was energetically `out of kilter.' After visiting with her I discovered that she was burdened with the behavior of a family who told her that they loved and respected her and after years of friendship they seemed to have wiped her from their minds and cares. Though she thought she had adjusted to this change, perhaps she hadn't. `Why would they do that?' she asked.

Reiki practitioners are not doctors, but clients are important and we believe that physical problems are manifested by what goes on in our `outer world.' Regarding her frustration of this relationship I have two things to offer. "Not everyone lives with integrity." The other thing is that people come into your life for a reason. When their purpose in your life is over that relationship is often broken. If you don't release it, the universe takes over and pulls it apart. This doesn't mean that they weren't sincere at the time. During this process we tend to build up a lot of uncertainties, mostly about ourselves. We seem to go thru stages of frustration and sometimes hate. Perhaps this comes from the pain of the separation? Or maybe it's because the other person pulled away before we did?

We have to learn to accept that people and things come and go in a life. There is no point in hanging on to the love of the relationship. It's better to see it for what it is and in your thoughts, wish the others well. It's kind of like that impermanence thing.

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