Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are You Living High?

Last night I was a guest at the Ruffy home. It was just us 3 gals and we had a fantastic time. It was a celebration for my birthday, probably my last one this year:( The sun was going down and not so warm on the deck, which for me is a big plus! The view is 360 degrees, the conversation and company was outstanding. And then the food. The Ruffy's had made cold cucumber soup, 3 different marinaded chicken breasts, pasta with fresh pesto and then the most remarkable morel mushroom sauce. Dessert was creme fraiche with fresh berries on the top. The table was set so beautifully in all white and green.

Just when I thought things could not be more perfect I was handed a very gracious gift of their personally authored cook book including all of the things they had prepared for the celebration and more. I also received my choice of a scarf from Lois's personal treasure trove of unique silks she keeps stowed away for special occasions. I chose a scarf with lots of colors, none of which I currently wear!

You might be asking yourself, what all this has to do with `high?' Everything carries a vibration. Fresh ingredients in your food vibrates much higher then vegetables that have been canned or frozen. Stimulating conversation, being around people you truly enjoy, and laughter are all perfect to raise your spirits and your energy! Add to that 'Decker' the Ruffy cat, a breathtaking view and gift-giving and you have the just created some of the highest of all vibrational highs.

Today will come yet another sort of `high' as I shop for the perfect outfit to go with the scrarf!

1 comment:

  1. good jen ratio for you yesterday!

