Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Here it comes again. The celebration of Independence Day. Most people refer to it as the 4th of July. As a genealogist, I no longer say that very often. When I think of this day I am reminded of why we celebrate it. We often talk about freedom, we understand the price that we have paid, or do we? Can we actually grasp the risk that was taken by the signers of the Declaration of Independence? Many conversations will erupt today about the war in Iraq and our participation. Most will discuss their furry about President Bush declaring war.

I take a different stand. Just as in previous wars, my family is in the service for our country. I would never criticize the President for `putting' us there. I don't like it any more then anyone else, but the fact remains that we ARE there. I put my prayers and energy into our soldiers, not into the hate of the situation. I do not get caught up in the politics of it all. I don't listen to much of the news on the situation. I believe that you have to be there to know what is really happening and that reports are almost always bad and so dramatic that...well, I don't doubt what they are saying is true, I just feel that a lot of great things are happening too. I think that if soldiers were the reporters, the news would look different.

So regardless of how you view the war in Iraq, please keep in mind that WE are all there, just as in all previous wars. Pray for a good outcome, leave the hate out of conversation, and raise above the opinions of others who wish to debate the subject. Take off your hat, put your hand over your heart, lift your head high and fly your flag. Hold a space for peace, it's coming.

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