Friday, June 19, 2009

Enjoy the Newness of Spring

In nature babies are being born. I live near a wetland, so I see baby ducks a lot. Down the street from me there is a sign that implies ducks are crossing the road so slow down and let them pass. The calves of early spring are now looking soft and furry. The trees are full of leaves. Many blossoms have come and gone and other plants are just starting to flower. As I walk I am seeing tons of snails on the sidewalk and grass. My hope as I pass is that they will soon be outgrowing their shells, and move to new `houses', so I can use their smaller abodes in my jewelry. When a shell or fossil is used in jewelry the energy is much stronger then when stones are used. Or at least that is my experience. Where life has been there seems to be an energy left behind. I also find this in amber that has trapped insects. When the opportunity arises, hold you hands over these and enjoy the feelings of a very different energy.


  1. Cousin Zenergygal-I look at this and see diamondback rattler. I will not be bidding on these, needless to say. Weird.
    Assuming you gathered these at JOGS?

  2. I did get all the stones at JOGS:) I had this piece for over a year and a gentleman walked up to my table at a Wellness Fair and without any questions, put it on, paid me and left. Very little conversation took place, but as he left his hand was on the fossil! Fossils are very powerful:)
