Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here’s to a High Vibration! By Suzanne McPherson

If you are here wondering what is so different about the life of an energy worker, you may find yourself laughing as you read. You may find that NONE of these things, in my day, happen `for’ you. You may find, that you have a lot in common with energy workers. You may also discover that there is absolutely nothing different about energy workers. Whether you are here out of curiosity, or perhaps you channel energy, I hope you will enjoy my blog and will RSS. All jewelry seen on my blog can be purchased from my site at


  1. Hi Suzanne,

    I LOVED getting your comment! It's a wonderful benefit of blogging. Making the connection. Glad you enjoyed the challenge too. I noted your comment says December 1, 2010! Time flies. Will leave a note in 2009 as well, in case this is some kind of strange energy mishap.

  2. Actually, this is the way that my `helping person' told me to put my first blog on so that it would stay on the top of the page. But others have mentioned that too. If you have a better idea so I can keep that on the top, I'd love to hear it!

  3. Hi Sue,
    Just curious.... what about the December 1,2010 date at the top of your blog?

    Is that a date that will be special? Just curious.

