Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time for Change is NOW

I have changed my blog to a new address. It is not complete yet, but one thing is for sure, change is constant. I'm sure I will be changing things around on the space from time to time as I figure out how things work in Word Press. So needless to say, you will see some things that will make you say `why would she be having that on her blog?' The answer is simple..I probably just haven't figured out a way to change that yet:)

So hang in there with me. I have been blogging everyday and would love to have you join me on the new site:

Please take the time to comment once and a while. I love knowing that you were there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time for Change

Change is all around us and it is time for a change in what I am doing. I have decided to move my blog to a site that I can use wordpress software on. I am busy setting that up and will be letting you know on this blog where the new location is.

I hope that you will follow me over to my new diggs!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What's Happens When You're Thankful?

Have you ever thought about what happens to YOU when you're thankful? There is a lot of talk about being grateful every day and the importance of writing down exactly what it is. But really, what's in it for you?

When you are thinking about the things that your are grateful for, your mind shifts gears. If you are having a rough day just take a moment to think about how much better it is then it could be. For instance let's say the washing machine breaks down and it will be 2 weeks before the part will be in and the repair can take place. For most of us, that is a huge inconvenience! No one loves to go to the laundromat. But let's say you get your laundry all loaded up and off you go with the attitude of `at least the washer can be repaired for a lot less then I can buy a new one.' Once there, you look around and load up the washers with your laundry and all of a sudden you notice that by being able to do all your laundry at one time, you save hours in your day! Pretty soon your browsing through a magazine on the table and you get into an article that you never would have read had you not been there. Then someone strikes up a conversation with you and the 2 of you have a lot in common, mainly broken washing machines.

All in all, this inconvenience has worked out pretty well, if you stop to think about the day and all that you can be thankful for. The purpose of writing it down is so that you can really think about it or look back on the day. I promise, your spirits will be lifted and you will think differently about the situation.

It's Thanksgiving and while my family has gone off to visit and have a wonderful dinner with other family members, I sit here with a bad cold. I'm grateful for the peace and quiet and lack of commitment for the day.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Cheap Lesson To Learn

This weekend is being spent at a Christmas show with Style In Stone Jewelry. This type of show is not my regular venue. I decided to step out of my realm of `wellness shows' and see if my jewelry will sell well when shown to people who have come to shop for others for Christmas. People who probably have no thought about metaphysical properties of stones, the electro magnetic field or the healing sound of a Tibetan singing bowl. And by the way, I'll be keeping all that to myself:)

There are more jewelry tables at this show then any other `wares.' What I learn will help me decide what type of shows to put my jewelry in and what shows to avoid. The costs for the tables are high and one can't afford to make too many mistakes. The time is something I can never get back or reuse. Will the experience be worth the risk?

Have you ever been in a similar position? Have you chosen to stay `safe' instead of sticking your neck out? When confronted with a situation like this I ask myself `if this goes bad, can I live with the worst of the (rational) consequences as a result of my decision? If I can answer `yes' to that, I'm in!

What I've learned is that people are enjoying my jewelry, but prefer to buy lesser quality, more trendy pieces. Ladies want to buy many pieces, regardless of materials used to match their outfits, as opposed to wearing natural stones with precious metals.

The good news is that each day a friend that I haven't spent much time with in the past 5 years (only because I have been living elsewhere) came to help me. Wow, great visiting time, good ethnic food, music and bumping into old friends and acquaintances that I have really missed!

So the lesson I have learned really didn't cost me a whole lot and the return was more valuable then my rationalization had in mind.

Oh, the other thing I learned is that I'm back in a rural part of the country and the cliental here does not grasp the concept of a boot bracelet:)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Are You Running Out of Steam?

It's the holidays once again and here you are...tired before black Friday. Does this sound like you? Does this happen every year? Maybe you can think back and try to see what you are doing every year about this time that makes you lose your energy.

What if you aren't physically doing anything challenging to exhaust yourself at this time of the year? What if just `thinking' about the holidays is wearing you down?

With the onset of winter there are fewer hours of daylight and possibly fewer hours of you being out in the sun. That lack of light along with holiday dread is a big sign to the Universe to slow you down. The slight depression and the negative thinking may be all that is standing between you and a merry Christmas.

Take time this season, and throughout the winter to have some energy work done whether that's Reiki, Quantum Touch or another energy modality.

Give yourself the gift of balance.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Life Changes, Go With the Flow

With the passing of the last 5 years, much has changed. Not only have I been living in another state, I have been living another life. This is clear as I am trying to move back home and the things that I carry with me are very different then the things that I left behind. I'm glad for this change as I move things around in my office. Sending my past years of genealogy to the basement for storage and bringing my crystals, singing bowls and beads into my present.

Things seem fresh and new and I will welcome the day that my new life is filed and organized as the old life had been.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back in Big Sky Country

As we traveled from south to north the landscape changes dramatically. There is no question why Montana is called Big Sky Country. As you enter the state it is as if the sky just opens up. I could see the weather in each of the 4 directions. The rain seemed visible from the clouds in the west. Though the wind blew hard most of the way it forced us to stop for a fresh tank of gas in places we have never exited the interstate to enjoy before. There was no playing tourist, no stopping at the opal mines in Idaho which I have enjoyed in the past. No stopping for the one hour lunch in Dell. Our vehicles were fueled with gasoline, but our bodies were fueled with adrenaline and coffee.

Home at last in the comfort of our kitchen where our friend has brought us a home cooked meal.

Life is good.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Move

We are planning to move this weekend. With this comes the rush of everything. I am finishing up some classes and find myself gone from home most nights. I am getting special orders for jewelry completed. The best part is having lunches with friends to say my good-byes.

The goodbyes are very different then they used to be. With travel becoming easier, I'm sure it is just a matter of the change of the seasons and I will be coming back to SLC to give Master Reiki classes. Of course I will try to coincide this endeavor with an energy class and an Apple class or 2.
I think of this move as signing off on the radio. I'll be back.

I will enjoy my re-hello's.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is Your Pet Saying To You?

I am taking a pet psychic class. Last night we did a 45 minute guided meditation and WOW! The teacher was great and frankly I have never done a meditation that long before. I was surprised at how well it went for most of us. Of course, some fell asleep but still heard much of the dialog. I commonly get very fidgety after 10 minutes or so, but the time went very fast for me.

I always recommend guided meditations if you have any problems being `quiet.' One thing the teacher brought up was to choose a guide who stops talking during the meditation. The purpose of this is to have a quiet time to ask your angels or whomever, particular questions and wait for the answers to come.

Recommended meditation time is 4x a week.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When the Sun Meets the Frost

I am so fortunate to be able to walk thru a park which has a wetland area, woods and gravel path. Each day, with the coming of colder weather, the frost sticks to the grass and the outer trees along the path. It's like walking into Narnia! The wetlands and grass are filled with the cold frost and as I walk into the wooded area I see places that were not touched by the cool night air. As the sun warms things up shortly after its rise, the fog and steam appear. Most of the leaves are still green on the trees and bushes and the creek continues to provide water for the small critters. Some days the fox is visible going across the path from one side of the park to the other. He crouches low and seems to be in no hurry. His energy is clear. I give him plenty of room.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Great Healing Circle

Sunday afternoon there were 5 us at the table channeling healing Reiki energy for each other. Shoulders moved back down below the ears, stomachs began to grumble, `charlie horses' came and went, headaches left and hopefully fears and depression will flee.

It was great to watch immediate changes in our bodies as well as channeling for situations that will take more time to straighten out.

But of course just being together with the intention of healing is a great energy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cooler Weather Changes the Energy

With the onset of the cooler temperatures of autumn everything is changing. Along with the new hues in the leaves can come the ache of arthritis, as just one example. When I had `arthritis' I could tell what the weather was before I became fully conscious in the morning, before I looked out the window. As the years passed, the pain became more pronounced and the desire to figure out a way to live with it became my primary health concern and thought.

And then Reiki became a part of my life. After learning this easy way of channeling energy and practicing on others and a little on myself, I woke one autumn morning with no pain. That was 5 years ago and I still live pain free from arthritis. You don't have to believe me, you can have energy work done and discover your own personal results.

Open minds create healing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Friend Turns 50

This next week a new friend of mine is turning 50 years old. I spoke to her briefly and she didn't seem to be concerned about her age. When I got home I sent her this email:

Welcome to the crowd of 50+ women! It only gets better from here. Our most difficult years are over, and our most challenging are ahead. What is the difference you might ask?

Because we have survived the most difficult years, the challenging are seen in a different light. We have been working for years to become more experienced and we are now as prepared as we can be for the challenges ahead.

Welcome to what may turn out to be the best years of your life, and join the rest of us as we help you along!

Happy Birthday to all and welcome to our 50's!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Long Ride

I just finished up a 10 hour journey in the car. Though it was a long drive the weather wasn't too hot and the music was good. A few stops here and there. An occasional cup of coffee and maybe a candy bar or two.

The difficult part of the trip is I am describing the return. Five days ago I was headed the opposite direction to participate in a "wellness fair." I had the opportunity to have a table at the fair in hopes of sharing my Style In Stone jewelry along with Tone of God cd. I brought along a small collection of Tibetan singing bowls and of course a sign up sheet for Reiki classes being offered next month. There was a good turnout of those interested in the metaphysical properties of stones. Lots of great conversation, inspiration, healing and a challenge raising the vibration in a big place with a lot of people.

In the end I got to see some friends that I had not talked to in years. My sister-in-law spent the whole weekend helping me and it was a treat to spend time with her. Style In Stone's fall collection is nearly sold out and I will have to purchase more wire to create new pieces for the Christmas show coming up.

Nothing like a nice few days to keep the energy going until I got home again. But now that I'm back..well, I think I'll go to bed a little early.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I Know Most About Life

Seems to me there is a book called `What I Know Most About Life, I Learned From My Dog.' Yes? No? Maybe it was just a t-shirt? Well, regardless we learn a lot from our animals. Just observing them without any contact is an amazing experience for both you and your pet. Your pet is relaxing just knowing you are nearby. You get to see how `in the moment' they live. Compare that to the way you live.

When your pet has an `encounter,' they seem to deal with it immediately and within a minute or so they have moved on to other things. What do you do when you have an `encounter?' Do you talk to yourself for days about it? Bring it up within a circle of friends? Remember it forever?

Observe your pet around other people or animals. Do they avoid certain ones? Do they seem to `latch' on to others? And how about you?

A lot of wisdom comes from these `simple minded' creatures we often refer to with such talk as `I have a rescue dog.' My reply when I hear that is `so do I, he rescued me just in the nick of time.'

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What About Labor Day?

Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women. According to the internet, Labor Day was created because of strife that was going on between the laborers and the unions.

Does that sound like energy to you? Of course. Energy is around us and in us. Energy cannot be destroyed. So what happens with negative energy? As an example of how this works, let me suggest that I have envisioned an energy cord that runs a foot above my head, through my crown chakra, down through the center of my body, to a foot below my feet into the ground. Now on my grounding cord I have roots that go deep into the earth. When I am around negative energy I set up my grounding cord and run it all the way through my body and have it come out of the roots. The energy is neutralized there and then continues on as simply energy. By creating a day to celebrate the workers of America the negative energy was being `diffused,' or run down the cord into the ground to be neutralized.

It's important to deal with negative energy. Sometimes that means, as an example, confronting someone who is spreading a rumour. No matter how you look at it, negative energy can cause problems. You can't get rid of it, per se', but you can neutralize it. If you are a part of the workforce, and who isn't, we celebrate you!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Are You Handling Life's Major Changes?

There was once a time when no matter what changed in my life, that I perceived as negative, it just threw me for a loop. I over thought it, I talked about it, I challenged it.

Having Reiki and other energies in my life has alleviated so much of that, which we now call, drama. It has been such a noticeable change. Others have seen it in me too. It is so interesting to watch myself react less to this ever changing life of mine. Now this isn't always the case, but the bigger the `real' problem, the better I seem to do. When the changes are small, they seem to aggravate me is a sort of pettiness that creeps into my minds chatter. When I realize what is going on I have a little talk with myself telling how this problem is so small in the whole scheme of things, then my mind seems to give it up.

Perhaps some of the reason that this works for me is that I have recently endured a trauma that has allowed me to put things into proper perspective. I was grateful for the overall calmness in my being during that time and the way I have learned to have faith that things will improve as time marches on.

Peace. You gotta love it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August Has Been a Tough Month, Astrologists Tell Me.

The crazy energy of August will soon be over. Part of getting through this month has been from a newsletter filled with astrology information. The other part of getting through this month is to learn from the lessons of the month.

For me I had a huge change in many things but the most profound was my scheduling Reiki classes. I have given very few one on one classes during the past 3 years. The class takes a full day and I commonly have 3-6 people at each class...except for this month. Bazaar things were coming up for people which threw my classes of 3 into classes of 1. I blew the first class off as `just one of those things', but after my 4th one on one class, I could no longer deny that this was beyond my control and I was glad that I just rolled with it. The lesson that I learned is that no matter how hard I try to over organize, other people's lives just didn't want to fall into my baskets. I am learning the fine art of patience...again. I have one more class to give this month and I'm going to make it the best class ever!

The Universe has something to tell you. You can choose not to pay attention, or you can just go with it. There is a lesson in it for you. Pay attention.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another High Energy Nite

Last night I had an open house for Style In Stone jewelry and my annual margarita party. It worked great blending the two into one great night. Thanks to my friends for the suggestion! The gals that came were excited to see the new Fall Collection and I loved talking about the stones and looking up their metaphysical properties. Conversation changes quickly when the stones are brought up. Even those that never thought about the healing properties listened intensely. Before long they were busy looking in the crystal book.

Energy was the conversation in most of the small circles of people, and then the phone rang! It was Mary Redford here in SLC. She was letting me know that she was scheduling her psychic pet class for Sept. 19th! There were 3 of us at the party ready to sign up for the 3 hour event! If you're interested in attending, send her an email through her website at The more the merrier! Let's learn to talk to our pets and listen to what they have to say to us, after all `they're family.'

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to Ethics

In any business you need to have a purpose for your business and set up your code of ethics. These things can change as your business grows, but if you don't set them up it can be disastrous. Keep your standards high and you will find that your reputation will carry you during difficult economic times.

For instance let's say that you always do your energy work for a minimum of one hour and you charge by the session. As time goes on, you may find that you need to change to charging by the hour in 15 minute increments. That is changing things as your business needs change. If on the other hand if you are charging per session and you decide you don't have an hour to dedicate to each client and begin doing 45 minute sessions (instead of one hour sessions), this could be an ethical standard to think about. Now if you have always done 45 minute sessions that's whole different deal again. You might also consider that a new client can take more time because they ask a lot of questions.

Think about what you do and how you feel when you try something new. Think about how fast you are in and out of an energy session once you have had the experience. Also keep in mind the purpose of your business. If clients are comfortable they will return when the need arises. If they are not, you could end up in someone's blog:)

Ethics in Your Energy business is now available at

Friday, August 14, 2009

Meditation Can Be a Hard Job

People simply have difficulty meditating. Being quiet `within' can be difficult when you have so much noise in your head. If you are one of those people try this: On a daily basis imagine a grounding cord running from 6 inches above your head, down through your body and into the ground..but don't stop there! Complete the visualization by sending the cord 3 feet into the ground. You can make the grounding cord any diameter or color you like, and you can change this anytime you like. Now go back inside your head and imagine a blob of mud:) Run the mud down through the grounding cord into the ground. Now imagine a golden sun coming in through your crown chakra and run the color down through the grounding cord. Try doing this on a regular basis and you'll be surprised in a week how much more clear your mind is. Continue to meditate and you'll see the difference.

Monday, August 10, 2009

2 Hours of Channeling

Reiki Circle was great! It gave new practitioners a feeling of what it is like to channel for 2 hours. It's important that everyone participates for as long as they can. We took short breaks to drink water etc. The healing that took place was great and will continue on. We had a few entities show up and were seen by one of the practitioners who were able to hear and give the messages. This is part of the beauty of the Circle. Practitioners with different gifts are together so we all have a learning/teaching time.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Shshshsh at a Reiki Healing Circle

People love to chat when they get together. When energy people are gathered, their many experiences and questions begin to flow searching for answers. This is a great reason to create a MEET UP group.
However, at a Healing Circle there are rules. One of the most important rules are to have things quiet. Reiki is a high vibrational energy and you want to be able to keep your vibration up while channeling. To do this, you need to concentrate, meditate and focus on what you are doing. For many it is difficult to stay focused and the chatter only makes it harder.
Keep in mind that the person on the table is there to receive. It is only right that they get the very best from their fellow practitioners.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tone of God CD by Denise Lynch

This CD is a fabulous sound to play in the background during any meditation, relaxation time, reading time, sleeping time or anytime.

The Tone of God is the ultimate carrier wave for use behind meditation and prayer, healing sessions, remote viewing and environments where learning and concentrating take place. In Gregorian Chant, the Perfect Fifth is believed to be the sound of God or Chord of Creation.

Imagine the Perfect Fifth playing softly and continuously in a room, building up resonance that starts to bounce off the walls and raise the vibrations in that space. This subtle but profound carrier wave is perfect for promoting a feeling of peace and well being, enhancing psychic impressions, and increasing learning absorption and adaptability.

This CD provides a soothing, uplifting continuous tone for 60 minutes, that becomes barely noticeable yet fully supports and enhances mental, emotional and spiritual endeavors. The Tone delivers multi-dimensional support and an enhanced experience for any intention that you combine it with. Clear Sounds Music contracts with musicians whose intent is to assist the world in healing.

The cost of the CD is 25.00 (freight included). Send me an email and I'll get it right out to you!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

National Cheesecake Day

Today is National Cheesecake Day! Cheesecake Factory sells every piece of cheesecake for 1.50 today so get in there and get yours!

National Cheesecake Day is an unofficial holiday which comes annually on July 30th. The observance, which is part of a surprisingly large tradition of food holidays, has not been officially endorsed by any presidents, and does not have any congressional records to solidify its claim. but this certainly does not stop thousands and maybe even millions of people from across the country from celebrating the decidedly delicious holiday.

There certainly is no reason that cheesecake should not have its own holiday. Records of cheesecake date as far back as 770 BC, when the dessert, or something like it at least, was served to Olympic athletes.

Check out more details of this special holiday!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fear of the Unknown

I took my grandson to the dentist today. Though we had discussed what would be taking place regarding filling 3 teeth and pulling 1 tooth, he was apprehensive. I prepared him for the novocaine and it's `beautiful side,' of drilling pain free. I told him he would have the advantage of `laughing gas' which must have been unavailable when I was little. I thought I had extinguished every fear.

It appeared the gas was not working for him, the daub of pre-novocaine before the shot comes felt too weird and he denied that it was doing anything but tasting funny. When the shot of novocaine was in the steady hand of the dentist my grandson said loudly "wait, where's my gramma?" I came back into site and held his hands. After much discussion at home and a previous experience of NOT letting the dentist get in enough novocaine, he knew he had to `buck up,' and so he did. Little tears ran down his face as he tried to focus on the tv mounted into the ceiling (what is up with that!)

When it was all said and done, my grandson jumped out of the chair, thanked everyone and headed to the prize drawer. All the way home he chatted about how it "wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be."

And that's just it. Worry comes from fear of the unknown. Experience, good or bad, takes the sting out the next time you have to endure. That's all fine and dandy, but what about the FIRST experience? You can't waste time wondering when things will go wrong and what you will do when it does. But what you CAN do is keep your vibration high by meditating, being grateful, doing energy work, and laughing etc. When you participate in your own well being you find that you react very differently to situations that would normally `tip you over.'

Don't believe me?...then "just do it," and you'll see what I mean.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are You Living High?

Last night I was a guest at the Ruffy home. It was just us 3 gals and we had a fantastic time. It was a celebration for my birthday, probably my last one this year:( The sun was going down and not so warm on the deck, which for me is a big plus! The view is 360 degrees, the conversation and company was outstanding. And then the food. The Ruffy's had made cold cucumber soup, 3 different marinaded chicken breasts, pasta with fresh pesto and then the most remarkable morel mushroom sauce. Dessert was creme fraiche with fresh berries on the top. The table was set so beautifully in all white and green.

Just when I thought things could not be more perfect I was handed a very gracious gift of their personally authored cook book including all of the things they had prepared for the celebration and more. I also received my choice of a scarf from Lois's personal treasure trove of unique silks she keeps stowed away for special occasions. I chose a scarf with lots of colors, none of which I currently wear!

You might be asking yourself, what all this has to do with `high?' Everything carries a vibration. Fresh ingredients in your food vibrates much higher then vegetables that have been canned or frozen. Stimulating conversation, being around people you truly enjoy, and laughter are all perfect to raise your spirits and your energy! Add to that 'Decker' the Ruffy cat, a breathtaking view and gift-giving and you have the just created some of the highest of all vibrational highs.

Today will come yet another sort of `high' as I shop for the perfect outfit to go with the scrarf!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's In a Birthday?

Today is my birthday. I've had plenty of them. I'm not afraid of them, nor do I ponder my age. There was a time when I didn't even acknowledge my birthday, it just seemed pointless as I had no mother.
Age is a great thing. When it was pointed out to me that my birthday celebration isn't necessarily for me, but for other people, I agreed to start it all up again. It made sense, at the time, I was in my 20's.
I've come a long way since then. It's as if I crossed some sort of wide line. I now tell everyone that it's my birthday and the celebration seems to last weeks! I'm enjoying the long lunches and special desserts. I love the gift certificates for massages and manicures, as I have forbade any gift that isn't something that I can use up. You see I don't want anything that I need to dust, take care of or pay taxes on.
Today is my birthday:)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can Fishing Be a Bad Thing?

Hope not. Fishing is good for all sorts of things. It gets you out in the fresh air, gets you tagged by a little sun (vitamin D), allows you to feed the mosquitos (did you forget your deet?), practice that age old skill of casting, and you get to tell jokes that people have heard a thousand times! What is it about being `away' that allows the simple to become easy?
Ones mind is not so focused on the everyday problems and worries which allows the memory to recall a simpler and less complicated time. Ahh, breathe in the newness of the day and allow the cobwebs in your head to be released. Enjoy the dragonflies and birds flying around you. Watch a fish grab a bug above the water. Meditate on the silence of the water.
Oh my, I nearly put myself to sleep sitting on the couch!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Think About This!

We have survived the `age of aquarious', `generation X' and now we make way for the `zen kids'. This generation of kids are special indeed. They have large vocabularies, quite mature for their age and say thought provoking stuff such as `why are you working so hard?' Or `maybe you just need a nap?' How is it that we never ask ourselves these tough questions? The other day I was thinking outloud and said something like `I wish I hadn't handled the situation like that, I really need to learn a better way of doing it,' when my 11 year old grandson said `Gram, you're really too hard on yourself, just BE WHO YOU ARE.'
Yikes, who or what has invaded the minds of this generation?
Now there's a real thought provoking question!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Gratitude Stone

Following the lesson regarding giving out gratitude stones...I sent my 97 year old grandmother a few, called her to tell her to keep one by her nightstand so she could remember each night to mentally go thru her day and give gratitude for whatever may have taken place.

Yesterday, over a year after I sent her the stones, she called me to tell me that she had given one away a couple of months ago. She said that the lady she gave it to sits it by her bed and thinks each nite what she is grateful for. She thanked my grandmother for the stone.

My grandmother simply said to me `who knew by giving someone something so simple, it could mean so much?'

She gets it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Messages Carried Into the Afterlife

I attended a networking group yesterday. During this time each person stands up and describes their business/service. When it was time for the lady directly across from me to stand she looked at each person as her eyes crossed the room and then said "my husband is dying of a lung disease. He has started a blog and would like anyone who is interested to go there and leave any message that you would like him to take into the afterlife." She handed out his business cards which were simple and to the point. There is a picture of a biblical character, possibly him beautifully photoshopped, with a mail bag on his shoulder and a brief note "Carrying your personal messages with me into the afterlife. I will be honored when I die (which will be in the near future) to deliver your message in person to the one you love."

I have looked at his blog and this man is sincerely waiting to hear from all who care to send their messages with him. Pass on this information and let him carry his bag, full!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Energy Work on the Energy Worker

We all need some help at some point in time. Yes, light workers can work on themselves but sometimes they just need to reach out into their peer group for their expertise. Choose this person the same way your client chose you:) Don't assume you know exactly what you need, but rather find someone who works with several modalities and obviously seek out a person who stands in integrity. Don't hesitate to find someone. We all need help to get us back on track:)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Vitamin D In My Aura

The truth of the matter is that I have been checked for my vitamin D levels. I am on the low side of normal which means, I could use a little more then I'm getting. Now that I have a dog to walk I am getting a lot more sun and exercise. Though I don't feel like much has changed in the way I look, healthier or slimmer, something else is going on that may not have been there before. A gentleman who came to my Reiki class is working on reading auras. He tells me that mine is `interesting' and he can't wait to see what it will look like at the next class.' I'm looking forward to his next reading, as I do not see auras.

I'm wondering what the color of vitamin D is? Would it be orange or yellow? I was out in the sun a little too long yesterday and got a little too much of the good stuff. So in my mind, I'm filled up with vitamin D and will be spending the day inside working. Perhaps today my aura is a little redder then it was the day before? I love learning about the things I don't know about, and I'm looking forward to the next Reiki class in August.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

You Only Have Today

I attended a wedding last nite. The setting was gorgeous! A beautiful yard, that of the brides parents. Every flower blooming! Canopies with sheers all around beautifully decorated inside. The osprey flew above and the pond was spotless. And then came the wind. At first glance the clouds looked very threatening. The Canopies were clinging to the poles, sheers gone. The bridal party came out one at a time and then the beautiful bride. She was as beautiful as any bride could be. And of course a handsome groom. The ceremony was short and to the point.

More photos were taken near the pond and the reception began. All of a sudden the wind stopped. The clouds cleared. It could not have been better weather for the reception.

That's how it is in our day to day lives. Sometimes the best of plans become temporarily foiled. But the next day comes, and whether we are prepared or not, we must live it as it is. At this point we have a choice to live it well, or live it in misery from the past. You only have today.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Let Relationships Go, It's For the Best

A client came this afternoon with some closed chakras which seemed to be related to family matters. This isn't unusual, and fortunately she could tell she was energetically `out of kilter.' After visiting with her I discovered that she was burdened with the behavior of a family who told her that they loved and respected her and after years of friendship they seemed to have wiped her from their minds and cares. Though she thought she had adjusted to this change, perhaps she hadn't. `Why would they do that?' she asked.

Reiki practitioners are not doctors, but clients are important and we believe that physical problems are manifested by what goes on in our `outer world.' Regarding her frustration of this relationship I have two things to offer. "Not everyone lives with integrity." The other thing is that people come into your life for a reason. When their purpose in your life is over that relationship is often broken. If you don't release it, the universe takes over and pulls it apart. This doesn't mean that they weren't sincere at the time. During this process we tend to build up a lot of uncertainties, mostly about ourselves. We seem to go thru stages of frustration and sometimes hate. Perhaps this comes from the pain of the separation? Or maybe it's because the other person pulled away before we did?

We have to learn to accept that people and things come and go in a life. There is no point in hanging on to the love of the relationship. It's better to see it for what it is and in your thoughts, wish the others well. It's kind of like that impermanence thing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What to do With a Sunny Day

After a long stretch of cloudy, rainy, cool days here in Montana the sun has decided to shine. There is yard work that needs to be done, flowers need to be dead-headed and the list goes on and on. As I mentally look at the list of must do's I look at the sunny sky and wonder `what would happen if I didn't do any of the things on my list today?'

And so I will give it a try. It's new for me, but I know I can do it. I have to make an airport run, some things wait for no one:) Then someone I recently met is coming over for a Reiki session, this is not work...this is just plain wonderful! I think lunch with an old friend around noon. Maybe a little nap. Oooops there goes the list making again. Some habits are difficult to break, but relatively harmless to keep. Still.

Sometimes we just need to cut ourselves a little slack. Tear the list in half:) It's still a beginning to change.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Open Your Chakras

It is common for us to find ourselves not feeling quite `right'. It may not appear to be a cold or flu, but it is something. People find themselves not being able to explain it. They don't know where to go for help.

This has been the situation with several people recently that have contacted me. The question always seems to be, if it isn't physical, what is it? The answer can be as simple as the `energy may be blocked in your body.' Many different modalities can get the energy going again, I use a combination of Reiki, Quantum Touch, oils, stones or sound. The process takes about an hour, Sometimes I use a pendulum to check the 7 main chakras to see which ones are `closed.' This allows the client to actually `see' the before and after the energy work takes place. In the end the result is the same. People just feel much better and tend to keep improving for a while. I always recommend they go home and rest as the process makes you very relaxed.

Energy work helps you to vibrate at a higher level. This can make a big difference in the way that you feel. Keep those chakras spinning!

Monday, July 6, 2009

One Man's Junk

I'm loaning my house out to my cousin's. They plan to stay here about a month, with their 3 kids. In preparation, among other things, my husband decided to clean up the garage. When he got done I noticed our 4 bikes in the back yard. He said we never rode them and he wasn't going to work around them anymore. However the city just ran a bike path near our house so now biking would be `do-able' now that we didn't have to dodge the cars and fear for our lives while getting exercise. He was not impressed with my logic. The next day my aunt came over and said `oh, do you mind if the kids use those bikes? They'll be great, they can ride safely from your house to mine on the new bike path!'

So you see. What one person considers junk the next guy can't wait to get his hands on. The lesson here is to give things away, not throw them away. Re-cycling and bi-cycling are both good ideas:)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Spring Cleanup

We are spending this week in our `second home.' A yard begging for attention and the gardens, oh my. The dependable teenage neighbors see that we are mowed, but we save the gardens for us to work on when we can. After 2 days our backs and legs are sore and it looks like rain. How perfect.

I have a bird sanctuary in this yard. I have been working in it cleaning the birdbaths, setting up the mist so they can shower at will. Some of the apples from surrounding trees have fallen from the wind storms. Bark is raked and rearranged. The butterfly bushes stand tall and want fertilizer to bloom. Feeders are cleaned and waiting to dry before fresh seed is put back in. Of all the work, this is my favorite. It will take a few days for the birds to return, butterflies are waiting for the blossoms. The air smells different in their garden. The bees are buzzing here too, but everyone takes their turn utilizing all the interesting things here. Just watching all that goes on from my window is mesmerizing. All these wings flapping around makes my heart sing.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Here it comes again. The celebration of Independence Day. Most people refer to it as the 4th of July. As a genealogist, I no longer say that very often. When I think of this day I am reminded of why we celebrate it. We often talk about freedom, we understand the price that we have paid, or do we? Can we actually grasp the risk that was taken by the signers of the Declaration of Independence? Many conversations will erupt today about the war in Iraq and our participation. Most will discuss their furry about President Bush declaring war.

I take a different stand. Just as in previous wars, my family is in the service for our country. I would never criticize the President for `putting' us there. I don't like it any more then anyone else, but the fact remains that we ARE there. I put my prayers and energy into our soldiers, not into the hate of the situation. I do not get caught up in the politics of it all. I don't listen to much of the news on the situation. I believe that you have to be there to know what is really happening and that reports are almost always bad and so dramatic that...well, I don't doubt what they are saying is true, I just feel that a lot of great things are happening too. I think that if soldiers were the reporters, the news would look different.

So regardless of how you view the war in Iraq, please keep in mind that WE are all there, just as in all previous wars. Pray for a good outcome, leave the hate out of conversation, and raise above the opinions of others who wish to debate the subject. Take off your hat, put your hand over your heart, lift your head high and fly your flag. Hold a space for peace, it's coming.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mind Over Matter

There seems to be plenty of traveling going on regardless of the state of the economy. Most people stayed home last year as gas was so expensive, however this year anything below 3.00 sounds like a fuel bargain. Isn't it interesting how that works. I can recall when coffee jumped up to some ridiculous amount. Talk about a jump in fuel prices...caffeine is about the same deal, don't you think:) Anyway we all kept buying but hoping it would come down in price. Frankly, I'm not sure it ever did, we just got used to paying the price. Coffee then was 20 cents a cup and now we pay nearly 2.00 for the basic stuff in the restaurant.

So it seems to me, it's like mind over matter. If you don't mind, it just doesn't matter. Take this thought into your life. Some things, most things, are not worth fussing over. All that drama just makes you feel lousy and brings your energy vibration down.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Try to Make Something out of Nothing

Tonight we ran out of food. We had planned major grocery shopping tomorrow so we had been cleaning out the cupboards and fridge for a few days. Tonight we were down to the last left over and used up the last of the roast, but not everyone had eaten. Leave it to the creativity of a kid who put the left over baked potato along with the other fixings into the tortilla and made a quesadilla. It turned out so good that I may never use meat in them again!

Change is good. Sometimes breaking away from the way we usually do things lifts your spirits, puts a smile on your face and gives you a new story to tell.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Meaning of Friends

A friend is a valuable commodity. In my younger years I was attracted to them like crazy. The more friends you have the nicer you must be, right? As time goes on we realize that the number of friends that you have means nothing, but the quality of friends you have means everything.

I woke up on my 40th birthday and decided to get rid of the `dead wood' in my life. All the people that I kept in touch with and felt like the relationship was very once sided, I removed from my life. It was nothing that I said, it was simply that I wasn't going to pursue their friendship anymore. If they wanted me in their life, they would have to contact me. Well to my surprise, few did. And the people that were really my friends I continued to keep in touch with. But the list was darn few.

Now in my 50's I have fabulous friends. Some know me very well, and some know very little about my life. All they know is from the time I met them, and no details. They don't seem to care, nor have I asked them about their `pasts.' I like my old friends and we share good times and bad. The newer friends are in a different stage of their lives and life is simply better after a certain time.

Good people help you maintain your high vibration. Grumpy, complaining people bring your vibration down. Your choice.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Great Escape and the Rule of Impermanence

They're on the run. They, no doubt, made a plan to escape together. Two scaled the wall and made it out, one has been recaptured. It's nothing short of a Hollywood movie with Clint Easwood. Of course I am referring to my grandson's snails. He has built a snail house, added leaves and sprays water on them many times a day, and still they choose to leave. He plays with them for much of the day. Interesting how they appeared to know each other. But like all things, they want to do what THEY want to do. Perhaps they miss the great outdoors? If you saw them, you'd have to admit that they all seem to be getting along.

The snails want exactly what my grandson will be searching for soon, simple freedom. Freedom from watchful eyes, rules and of course staying home. It's easy to see when you're 50+ years old, but not so easy to convince an 11 year old.

Now with one snail still at large it is time for me to tell my grandson about `impermanence.' This is the lecture that we know we need to give to our children but because so many of us refuse to think about it ourselves, it goes untold. But today is the day. Impermanence is that deal where everything comes into our lives and then leaves. It refers to people and animals as well as `stuff.' Like the vase you have coveted for years that was originally your grandmothers. One day you are dusting and it crashes to the floor. In shattered shards on the floor, you weep. When you wake in the morning, it's still gone. That's impermanence. In some ways it `sucks,' but then most lessons do. That's why we call them lessons and hopefully we learn from them so we don't have to learn the same lesson again.

Impermanence. Everything leaves us, everything. Spread the word.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What's It All About

So many times we are feeling physically ill and cannot understand what we ate, or hurt that is creating the problem. Some people think that we all have a `weak' spot where we always hurt when anything happens. Such as getting a headache whenever you are under stress. Most of us understand that what happens in our life manifests in our bodies, when left unchecked. Knowing this helps us to understand why we have a stomach pain and we cannot figure out what we ate that isn't agreeing with us. It could be that we have a problem that is outside of our physical bodies, but because we haven't dealt with it, that problem is now affecting us physically.

The next time you aren't feeling well ask yourself what is going on in your life that you are worrying about, frustrated about, or mad about. Maybe you need to apologize to someone? Think about it, deal with it and your pain may vanish as quickly as it came.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Little Energy Work Really Heats Things Up

A small turnout for Healing Circle today. Just the 3 of us. It was hot outside, but soon we had the air conditioning on inside to cool things off. Once you start the energy going it heats up very quickly inside. We had a great time and each person had a 20 minute session. Plenty of time to feel the sensation of Reiki energy for both the practitioner and the person on the table. It's nice to have a small group some of the time. It allows plenty of time for discussing what you felt and reminiscing about previous circles and experiences.

Here's to a high vibration!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Veterans Need Healing

I had a wonderful opportunity to have a young veteran in my Reiki I class a few weeks ago. He is back from Iran searching for much. He has married, has a beautiful little girl, goes to college, studies non-violent arts. In his quest to find peace in his life he decided to add Reiki to his talents. The first night after class was very unusual for him and he emailed me about the change. It was simple `no nightmares.' For the first night in 4 years he slept without waking up from his fears. His goal to find ways to help other veterans.

It is nearing the 4th of July in which we will all celebrate the independence of our country. Remember how we got there, keep in mind the alternative, pray for our soldiers, hold space for peace. In doing so you will help to raise the vibration of the world.

Bless your heart.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Head to the Gem Show

Today I went to a small Gem Show that comes to my city 3 times a year. With the economy I expected the show to have fewer venders then usual. I was looking for just a few stones to use in my jewelry. I assumed that I wouldn't be there very long. There were particular venders that I wanted to see as they carry more unusual stones and I have a very unique collection that I work with, but I decided that it was going to be a fun time out and I really needed that.

Well, I was surprised at the size of the show! I picked up a few things that I hadn't intended to buy and was there 3 hours! I couldn't find the few stones that I wanted.

The reason that I bring this up is when we set ourselves up for disappointment we are sure to find it. But if we decide that no matter what happens, we are still going to be glad that we have had the experience, things are bound to better. What all of this amounts to is simply energy. When you change your energy to match what you want, not necessarily what you are thinking will happen, your time will be better. When you shift your emotion to good, you feel better and the universe lines up good stuff for you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nature At It's Best

As I walk to the park I cannot help but notice the beautiful snails. Their `houses' are so pretty and functional:) My grandson has carefully brought home 3 snails and built them a snail house. He has brought them leaves to eat and twigs and rock to climb on. Then last night he put a paper towel roll in the house for them. They love crawling on it and inside of it. He spritzes them with water throughout the day. Honestly they seem to be so content even though they are limited on how far they can travel. I am surprised at how entertaining they are.

I can't help but think about the slugs in my garden. I have to say they look a lot like these guys, without their houses:)

Even Mutts Have Look Alikes

A beautiful dog from the shelter rescued my family about 4 months ago. He is a very noticable canine in his red coat, curled tail and `regal' stature. Everywhere we walk him people ask about his breed. What can we say? "The shelter tells us that he is part red chow chow and part lab." We met a trainer one day who smiled and answered "the shelter always says dogs are are part lab." Many people have asked if `Happy' has a sibling as they would like a dog just like him.

Last weekend we went fishing and a couple came to the dock with a matching dog to our Happy. As soon as we saw each other the question came out of all our mouths "what is the breed of YOUR dog?" We all laughed. They had the same story as us "... and part lab."

Well I guess there's just no way to know and frankly we don't care. He brings joy and a high energy to our household. He is a great dog for my grandson too and we are coming along with training.

Now for a little background. My adult son, who is living with us currently, wanted a dog. We spend most of our time in our condo in Utah and my concern was that a dog wouldn't have enough room and no yard. I work a lot and wouldn't have time to walk him much. Well...needless to say, we got a dog. He is 2 years old and we were so amazed that he didn't bark, didn't chew up stuff, didn't bite. But he also didn't `come', didn't `sit', didn't `stay.' The one thing that he DOES do perfectly is sleep most of the time:) He is very `cat like.' I said to my son one day "Happy is perfect for us." To my surprise he said "I don't understand why you are so surprised. I have manifested Happy."

And so it goes. Happy is a perfect manifestation and we love him, whatever he is.
Now you know the rest of the story.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Take a Night Off

Last night I met a couple of friends for appetizers on their deck overlooking the entire valley. It has been raining a lot and the hills were the most beautiful green. As I looked at the foliage meet the blue sky the feeling that came over me was exhilarating! Not only the colors and textures, but the energy coming from the entire scene. It was so peaceful and quiet. Everything was so beautiful.

And then Decker the cat jumped up on the adjacent table to lay in a spot of sun. He seemed to know nothing of the beauty we were taking in, but he was getting his own little spot of peace.

Take time to look around and use all of your senses. It reminds your brain that you're still very much alive!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Much is Too Much Energy Research

In my Reiki classes I do not have a `reading list.' I'm the only teacher I know that doesn't. There is a reason for that! When people begin getting curious about energy work they tend to do way too much reading about it. By the time they find themselves in my Reiki class they are so inundated with information that they cannot recall where they read what or what did they read? It's common to want more information, but a little can go a long way.

I suggest that if you are wanting to learn Reiki that you stick to Reiki for a while. There are many modalities out there and it's best to learn one at a time, get accustomed to using it. Reiki is a very high vibration, so it's a great modality to work with. If you are looking for more, add some sound therapy using singing bowls. No bowl? Get a CD from Stephen Halpern. You'll love his stuff!

Monday, June 22, 2009

What the Weather has to Offer

The sun is shining today after 3 weeks of clouds and rain off and on throughout the day. The sun has much to offer, but so does the clouds and rain. The clouds change our mood and yet they can be beautiful to watch. As they work their way around the Wasatch mountains and into the valley they change in shape and color and then of course comes the thunder and showers. Needless to say the rain will keep everything growing without traditional methods of watering. All the corners of the yard will receive nourishment, roots will grow deep, plants and trees will grow tall.
Now comes the sun to finish up the job.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

What does this day mean to you? Is it a day when you `baby' your dad, husband, uncles? Did you get them a card, tell them how much they mean to you? Did you give them a call?

For some of us this list can get long so we focus on the `dad' that is the closest to us. Unfortunately in the world of emails we sometimes ignore the phone. I'm a real offender, let me confess. It's so easy to send out a quick note. No personal contact necessary for many things, however this is a special day. Tho it may be a day brought on by the card companies or the floral folks, it nevertheless is a day that most of us stop to think about the men in our lives.
Here's just a few of the men in my life that keep me on my toes.
Gotta go make some phone calls.

Reiki in Western Medicine

Reiki will become more popular as time goes on. Right now people are not quite understanding the power of energy. However as time goes on and western medicine begins to embrace hands on healing you will be hearing a lot more about it. An article I read 6 months ago regarding this modality said that there are some, very few, insurance companies that are accepting Reiki as a means of healing and are covering the charge when receiving a bill from RN's in the home health care field. And now this
This is an article in the Washington Post regarding Reiki being used in the Maryland Medical Center. Go here and check out. The article and photos are great!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now I Get It

Today I am `home alone.' In my quiet nest I am thinking about how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to be taking care of my 11 year old grandson for the 8th summer. When I was a child I lived with my grandparents every summer from the time I was an infant? It wasn't until today that I made the connection between the experience of living with my grandparents and my grandson living with us. My grandmother was an early day entrepreneur. She was the town seamstress and had a huge garden where she grew flowers and harvested/arranged/sold them for weddings and funerals etc. As a modern day entrepreneur with a child in my house I find myself a little frustrated not being able to work all summer like I have the previous seasons. After all like my grandmother, if I don't run my business, who will? I have been getting up at 5AM in hopes of having a few hours to myself. Finally after 3 short weeks, yesterday I became paralyzed with exhaustion. In my disappointment in myself for resting much of the day, I apologized to my grandson for not playing with him. He looked at me and said `it's OK Gram, I'd rather you rest.' I realize now how much my grandmother rested each day. She never apologized for it, she just did it. She got up early, stayed up late and took power naps during the day. And yet when we left to go back home for school she would stand in the driveway and weep as she waved goodbye.
Today the men in my house (4 males including the dog) have all gone fishing. I was up with them to make them breakfast, pack a little something to eat in the boat and was back in bed before they left. I heard little footsteps running up the stairs and my grandson grabbed something in his room that he needed, and paused at my bedroom door. `Bye Gram, I love you.'
Now I get it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Enjoy the Newness of Spring

In nature babies are being born. I live near a wetland, so I see baby ducks a lot. Down the street from me there is a sign that implies ducks are crossing the road so slow down and let them pass. The calves of early spring are now looking soft and furry. The trees are full of leaves. Many blossoms have come and gone and other plants are just starting to flower. As I walk I am seeing tons of snails on the sidewalk and grass. My hope as I pass is that they will soon be outgrowing their shells, and move to new `houses', so I can use their smaller abodes in my jewelry. When a shell or fossil is used in jewelry the energy is much stronger then when stones are used. Or at least that is my experience. Where life has been there seems to be an energy left behind. I also find this in amber that has trapped insects. When the opportunity arises, hold you hands over these and enjoy the feelings of a very different energy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

There is so much to learn on the net and one of the best places I know to head to is Ezine Articles.

Seems like every subject is covered there. The articles are well written and very helpful. In fact I have an article there, just go to and learn about Meditation for Your Health. My second article has just been approved on Healing Energy From Crystals I have submitted 1 more article this week and am waiting for approval. Check it out and leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Keep Family Near Using the Internet

Tomorrow is my cousins birthday. She lives about 1600 miles from me and so internet has allowed us to continue with our busy days and still keep in touch by email. It's so simple as we are both on our computers a lot. We also co-administrate our family website. We add photos and news and all of our family have access to the site and can add comments and information on their family. When we first started this site I used to put photos of our ancestors and have contests to see who could guess the person in the picture. This got relatives talking and getting on the site at a time when people were just beginning to use the world wide web. It has created an incredible closeness between us. Though we are spread across the U.S. we can see each others children and catch up on news. We know who is where and visiting whom.
Keep in touch. It's worth the few minutes to send off an email if you don't take the time to call each other. We are a very `transient' society and if we don't make this effort, certain people in your family can `fall to the wayside'. What a shame that would be.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today my grandson and I went to the movie `UP.' It is a must see! Walt Disney has really outdone themselves. The story is about 2 very young people who want to set out on an adventure. As their lives go on they save for the experience, but something keeps happening and their piggy bank keeps supplying funds for other things. Finally the wife dies and the husband, in his old age, decides to set out on the plan they had made as children.
I couldn't help but identify, to some degree, with this cartoon. I asked myself how many times I have put off a plan in order to keep everything else in order? Am I still thinking about something that I have 'always' wanted to do but never felt like the time was `right'?
Something tells me that Walt Disney is hiding an adult movie in a kids show. Pretty sneaky, Walt.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fork Bending

Last night I attended a "fork bending" class. It was my second in the past 2 years. I am not one who spends a lot of time on this sort of thing, but I am glad for the experience and to have the opportunity to do it with other people is half the fun. The class involved some guided meditation. This prepares the mind. The meditation was about 10 minutes at the most. Then we held the fork in our hands as we did particular breathing exercises. Some of it was Quantum Touch, which I am very familiar with and enjoy. With that we attempted to bend the forks. The next exercise was using EFT..Emotional Freedom Technique. This is used for a multitude of healing situations as well, and another attempt was made to bend the fork. For me I was able to bend my fork with the first exercise, a little later on bend a little more, and then nothing:) Though the feeling of being able to bend the fork at all is exhilarating, as with most people, I had hoped to accomplish more.
When I got home with my new `trophy' my husband brought out my first fork from 2 years ago and there was clearly a difference. I had progressed quite a bit.
So what did I learn at fork bending class? I learned how to soften metal with my mind/energy/vibration. I built up my self esteem a little, I was able to enjoy a guided meditation, meet a some new people and most importantly....I had FUN!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Do I Smell Genealogy in the Air?

My phone has been buzzing with genealogy questions today. People are wanting to either connect with living family or wanting to learn about their ancestors. What is bringing this on? It has been many months since this subject has come up and I have received calls for research advice. I am always happy to help with genealogy roadblocks. The researching process is wonderful and makes you stretch your mind and forces us to use our creativity. We need to find out where our ancestors have lived and by accumulating records we can begin to imagine how they lived their lives. Putting together all the pieces is much like a jigsaw puzzle. Because genealogy research is never really done it is as if the last puzzle pieces have fallen onto the floor and hidden from site. We dig, digest and accumulate. Lives are very complicated, records can be scarce.

Working on genealogy is a life-long `hobby.' Begin with good intentions and follow through on your leads.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What Kind of a Day are You Having?

If you are like many of us, the weather is very `spring like'. A lot of rain, cloudy and just wet. Your car is dirty from driving in the rain, your shoes have mud on them, your entry way into your house is full of footwear so's not to track it all in the house. Wet coats are hanging on door knobs waiting to dry. Everything seems damp, even your bed sheets? The dog smells like a dog and yet he has to go out for another walk? The umbrella stands outside the door as if it will dry off out there? Well, if you live in a dry climate, perhaps you can visualize what the rest of us are living.
All of this makes for frustration and for some of us we get downright depressed as the sun continues to hide behind the clouds.
When the sun peaks out I take whatever I am doing and sit out on the deck. That little bit of Vitamin D I get is a help for a better disposition. I don't wear sunglasses during this time, or sunscreen. I'm not sure what the dermatologists would say about that, but the sun lasts such a short time that I think if I stopped to do all the precautionary stuff, I'd miss it! So out I sit for that short period of time and just soak up all the sun has to offer me. OK, I come in with wet clothes from the deck chair, but you can't have it all. The important thing is that I am making an effort to keep the depression `at bay'.
Depression can move in slowly and I can tell that if I'm tired mid morning, that's probably what it is all about. Now to look at the rest of the wet stuff, which isn't helping my mood any as I live in a small condo with 3 other family members and a pretty good-sized dog, Happy.
Each day, hopefully while I'm in the sun, I meditate. For times like this, I change my visualization and focus on something that reminds me of good times. Yesterday I worked on walking through a field of lavender in bloom. In my visualization I was wearing a yellow sundress and was barefoot. Big straw sunhat. As I walked I ran my hands gently across the blossoms of the lavender. The bees were elsewhere in the field and the sun was shining gently on the world. It wasn't hot out, as I do not care for the heat much. There was a gentle breeze and sky was a beautiful light blue. I could see the birds riding on the wind and could hear them call out to me. There was soft music, something Native American. I could feel the sun on my arms and it was the perfect temperature. I basked in my chair for about 10 minutes and then the clouds moved in again. But that's OK.
You don't need to have the sun to meditate on it. You only need your imagination. You body will feel what the mind tells it.
Get outside when you can and when you can't, just meditate on what you WANT it to be like outside. Your day will go better and you will find your work will be less burdensome then when you are tired or depressed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Energy Between Dogs and Owners

Now that we have brought a dog into our family I spend time to watch dog training on tv. There are several show options and of course one of them is the Dog Whisperer. Because I never watched this show pre-Happy, I had no idea that he talked so much about energy. The energy of the dogs and the energy of the owners. He talks about how the anxiety of the owner can run straight down the leash to the dog. Much of the training he does has to do with the problems of the owner.
We need to keep in mind that everything is energy. Touch your animals with kindness and if you have Reiki in your hands I want to remind you that every time you touch anything, you channel for them. Imagine what the world would be like if everything were vibrating at a high level.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


What is a zenday?  For me zen is peace.  For me a zenday is not a quiet day, necessarily.  A zenday is a peaceful day.  And today it will be a perfect zenday.  A friend was over this morning and the time just zoomed by!  Tonight my nephew and his children and dog will be here for a late supper, a little hot tub time and a warm bed.  I'm sure the kids will be wild, the dog will be nuts and my nephew will be glad to be out of the car!  

A little hotdish for supper, cake for dessert, and soft bed.

Now this is what I call a zenday!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Stone is a Stone

Stones have a remarkable kind of energy. Every stone has many metaphysical properties. It makes no difference if the stone is faceted, polished, cut, mounted or left in the raw, the properties remain the same. There are many books available as well as websites to explain what these properties are. If you go to my site, http://www.styleinstone and scroll to the bottom of any page you will see a link to Metaphysical Properties. Click on there and enter the world of stones! This site has most stones, no one site or book has them all...which is why I have 3 books and sometimes still end up looking on the net! Usually between the two I can find what I need.
Also watch for rock shows in your area. They are all year round all over the country. They always have a huge array of stones from all over the world.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Frustration is a Form of Mind Over Matter

I live in 2 different states...not including the state of mind:) Our second home, which we have been living in most of the time for the past 2 years, is no longer `necessary' and in preparation of selling it in the next year, we have had a market analysis done by our realtor. We just wanted to get some idea where we might `stand' when we sell. Who knows what will happen to the housing market between now and then, we just wanted to find out how hard the hit might be. I am quite surprised as my worst fear is not bad enough. Now what to do?
I have decided to compare this time to the 1980's when we built our first home and the bottom fell out of EVERYTHING. I was about 32 years old and this was our first mortgage. When reliving all the worry I had then, I suddenly realized 2 differences. I was now 20 years older and I was 20 years wiser. It's time to stop worrying and deal with it.
Perhaps this is the best advice I can give myself about most things. Fear clouds the reality of the situation. No matter what the final outcome is my state of mind is the most important thing. I can (1) make myself crazy or (2) I can make a plan. One will lower my vibration and make me more vulnerable, and the second will raise my vibration, my mood and put me into an action mode. Sometimes choosing #2 is a good idea.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What a Great Way to Spend a Sunday!

What a wonderful Reiki I class yesterday! All students had hot hands after the attunement and our time spent channeling Reiki was great. The Universe had certainly lined up the perfect group as they worked very well together and had lots of questions. Now they are on their journey of a 21 day energy cleanse. At the end of that time they will decide if they want to go on to a Reiki II class. Regardless of their decision, I know this group will be channeling for their highest good on a regular basis.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's All In the Preparation

I am in the process of gathering a combination of `vibrations’ for the Reiki I class that I am teaching on Sunday.  I will be using a variety of stones, a combination of styles and sizes of Tibetan singing bowls and several different kinds of essential oils.  It will be a wonderful day, so I don’t mind the preparation.   The group that will be coming are fun and looking forward to the process of learning and being attuned to Reiki. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Morning is the Best Time of the Day

What is it about the morning that is so exciting? Maybe it is the `new' fresh air? Maybe it is commonly the coolest part of the day and therefor has a different smell? Maybe it is just the quiet of it all? I'm not sure but I know that after a good nites sleep, or not a good nites sleep I enjoy the early morning. In the summer it is nice to work while it is not so hot. I can accomplish a lot between 5 and 8AM. My mind seems to be ready to think.
If I have any time during the morning to take a break. I like to meditate for 5 minutes or so. It seems to refresh me a little and keeps me going throughout my day. On occasion, when I meditate in the morning, I fall asleep:) I don't sleep very long but is seems that I sleep very deeply.
I was watching Sylvia Browne on TV one day and someone asked her "why do I fall asleep whenever I meditate? Sylvia simple stated "because you're tired."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Simple Request

A simple request came to me today to meet and have a Quantum Touch session.  The session went well and I am happy to say that the recipient is feeling much better.  It is certainly worth the effort on both of our parts to create an environment for healing.

I know sometimes stopping to help someone seems to challenge your work/play schedule, but isn’t the time well spent?  When you come from a place of caring everyone comes away with a feeling of joy.  Let’s spread it around!